Panda Warmers for Infants

Panda_Warmer_bro_e_Seite_6_Bild_0001_275X285The CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Foundation recently purchased a Panda Warmer for the Center for New Life, the Labor and Delivery Unit at CHRISTUS St. Elizabeth Hospital. This purchase is part of an overarching project with the goal of outfitting the Center for New Life with a total of 19 Panda Warmers (one for each of the 19 Labor and Delivery Rooms). To date, the Foundation has already raised funding for nine Panda Warmers.

We are still in need of 10 additional Panda Warmers to complete the project.

The warmers are primarily used for two reasons: resuscitation and stimulation. Last year alone, 300 newborns at the Center for New Life needed resuscitation. The resuscitation devices are available to all of the 2,000+ deliveries each year at CHRISTUS St. Elizabeth Hospital. These warmers provide lifesaving resuscitation therapy in times of emergency.

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